• Being a member of MATOR means promoting solidarity
    to move forward together towards sustainable development. MATOR favors the active participation of women and young people in the project. They are among the strength that will ensure the prevention of the reduction of rural exodus
    and especially the sustainability of the project.

  • MATOR wants rural and solidarity tourism to be a vector
    of sustainable development in each locality where
    it is established. It is also a sector that allows to keep the identity and the true values of the resources in Malagasy rural areas.

  • MATOR enhances the exchange and sharing, whether with its partners or with its visitors. These aspects give each actor the opportunity to enlarge his/her vision, and then find different alternatives to progress.

  • MATOR brings together dynamic farmers’ organizations that promote the idea of simplicity and authenticity while welcoming visitors. Each organization tries to highlight the specificities of its village through tourism activities.

  • MATOR engage its actors to become responsible citizens for environment conservation. Within the framework of the tourist activities or the daily activities of the farmers, the Organization favors the sensitization and education of its stakeholders.


MATOR’s values are essentially based on the involvement of each actor in the project, through responsible, equitable,
and solidarity-based practices.

  • Responsible : The stakeholders are more concerned about the value
    of local culture and environment respect.

  • Equitable : Associative management practice is respecting transparency. The structure also promotes consultation of the prices and values of each service with local stakeholders.

  • Solidarity : Creation of moments of exchange between the actors, and opening up to the world.

  • Gender approach : Valuing women and young people who are promising actors for successful sustainable development.

MATOR brings together farmers' organizations with the same objective of contributing together to a change in social life.
Actors who are committed to valuing rural areas, particularly activities that connect people to their land :
agriculture, livestock, crafts, etc…

Copyright ©2017

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