In 2007 MATOR “Madagascar
Tourisme Rural” has been created thanks
to the initiative the “Confédération des Agriculteurs Malgaches” (Confederation of Malagasy Farmers). This organization currently gathers different farmers’ associations
in Madagascar. They are very welcoming
and willing to share their daily lives
in a simple way with visitors and show
them the specificities
of their village.

‍    MATOR


"Solidarity in diversity" is MATOR’s motto, to mark the union and involvement of each person contributing to this activity. Indeed, we consider that through this project, all actors form a team to promote sustainable development in Madagascar.

"The purpose of the project”

Farmers, craftsmen and rural people, together ensure the hosting activities.
They also take care of the organization
of the stays in their respective villages. 

By spending time with them, your trip promises to be rich and unforgettable ! 

“Working with passion
and solidarity” 

The team is working full-time to ensure
the management of the project,
the organization of tourism activities
and the collaboration with local associations within MATOR. It is a responsibility
that the team members take
with great passion.

"Ready to help you discover Madagascar differently”

A satisfying and successful stay is partly thanks to the guides. They have a good knowledge of rural life in Madagascar
and are there to facilitate immersion
and exchanges with the farmers. With their experience and knowledge, they will
also take you to explore the must-see sites
in the Big Island ! 

The local population 

"Promoting a sense of sharing
and solidarity”

One of MATOR's objectives is to increase
the benefits of the project
to the local population. To do so,
Madagascar Tourisme Rural is working
with different collaborators to look for new opportunities to develop the economy
and social projects of the villages where
they operate. 

Travelers and partners 

“Involved and supportive actors”

By participating in the trip, they actively contribute to the sustainability of the activity and its development. The long journey that MATOR has made to date is mainly thanks to them ! The whole MATOR team warmly invites new partners and travelers to live other adventures
with them !


MATOR mainly contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas in Madagascar. Through various activities, its objectives are :  

• To value and conserve local resources through tourism activities.

• To generate complementary incomes
to improve the living conditions of Malagasy farmers .

• To sensitize and incite farmers to get involved
in the development of local communities.

• To offer new travel experiences based on immersion with Malagasy farmers and discovery of tourist sites
in Madagascar.

To reinforce the exchanges between travelers and host families in order to preserve good practices and improve inappropriate habits.

To sensitize all stakeholders to be more involved and responsible
for environmental protection.

‍  •  MATOR is working in 11 regions
in Madagascar, about 16 villages participate
in the rural and solidarity tourism activities.


‍    • MATOR has more than 5 tours
to make travelers discover the Red Island
in a different way.

‍  • Thanks to this project, about 170 families
have direct benefits.

‍   • More than 1000 travelers have already experienced
a rural and solidarity trip with us.

The farmers' organizations

The coordination team 

The accompanying guides 

Copyright ©2017

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